The number of versions to keep can be set in the Pool configuration section of MCM.

Versioning Policy options:

• Do not keep prior versions

• Keep a version on delete

• Keep versions

        • Keep 1 prior version

        • Keep 3 prior versions

        • Keep 30 prior versions

        • Keep 300 prior versions

        • Keep all prior versions

        • Customize

The following chart shows the retention options and how versions are retained.  The column definitions are:

  • Current - The current version of the file, also the newest version of the file.
  • Last - The number of consecutive previous versions saved, starting with the latest, regardless of how old they are.  For example, if the value is 5, then the last 5 versions of the file are retained.
  • Days - The latest version created on each day will be saved.  For example, if the value is 5 and two versions are created each day, then the latest version created yesterday, the day before, etc. for the last 5 days will be saved.
  • Weeks - The latest version created in each week will be saved.  For example, if the value is 5 and two versions are created each day, then the latest version created last week, the week before last, etc. for the last 5 weeks will be saved.
  • Months - The latest version created in each month will be saved.  For example, if the value is 5 and two versions are created each day, then the latest version created last month, the month before last, etc. for the last 5 months will be saved.

Do not keep prior versions10000
Keep a version on delete10000
Keep 1 prior version 11000
Keep 3 prior versions11200
Keep 30 prior versions 11010100
Keep 300 prior versions 150502000
Keep All prior versions 1AllAllAllAll
Customize1User specifiedUser specifiedUser specifiedUser specified

This retention policy can help mitigate malicious or accidental save activity.  For example, if a pool is configured with a "Keep 30 versions" policy, a malicious user who saved 30 corrupted versions of the file would destroy the versions saved on that day, but would not affect the saved versions from previous days or weeks.

Note: If a file is updated multiple times in a short period of time, only one version might be uploaded to cloud storage to improve performance.

Difference between "Do not keep prior versions" and "Keep a version on delete":

  • Do not keep prior versions - When deleting a file, no prior versions are kept and the file cannot be recovered. 
  • Keep a version on delete - When deleting a file, the latest version is kept and the file can be recovered.

Customize Versioning Policy

Versioning Policy

You can also set a custom versioning policy as above.  Note that changing the policy cannot bring back any versions that have already been purged.

Deleted File Retention

Deleted files are only purged from the cloud in two situations:

  1. The user manually purges the file in the Team Portal.
  2. The number or age of a previous file version exceeds the limit (see table above).

Otherwise, deleted files will be kept in the cloud forever and can be restored as needed.

Changing the File Retention Setting

When the file retention policy is reduced (for example, from Keep All to Keep 30), all existing previous versions will be kept until a new version is saved.

For example, if you switch from Keep All to Keep 30 and 100 versions of the file are stored in the cloud, all 100 versions will be kept until a new version of the file is saved.  When a new version is created, the previous versions will be evaluated according to the file retention table above and versions that do not need the retention criteria will be purged.  Note that this does not mean that 30 versions will be kept.  If all 100 versions were created yesterday, for example, only one version would be kept due to the Keep 30/Days policy.