Use the Files page to access shares and files from MCM.

Share/Folder/File Color

Shares, folders, and files are shown in one of three colors based on the permission settings for user and Team Portal:

  • Grey - Read/write
  • Orange - Read-only
  • Red - No access

The Business Administrator is not restricted by user permission settings and ACLs but is restricted by Team Portal permissions. 

When the "Operate all files as admin" option is enabled, Global Administrators have the same file access permissions in the MCM as the Business Administrator (see above).

When the "Operate all files as admin" option is disabled, Global Administrators are treated as regular users for file access in MCM.


The "Operate all files as adminoption can be set in the MCM -> Account -> Edit GA Permissions page.  For more information, see Account.

Lock icon

If a file is locked, it will appear with the following icon:

Mouse over the icon for more information about the file lock.  Locked files can still be opened read-only or downloaded by other users.

Modified and Version Date

"Modified" shows the file content modification time.  "Version Date" is the creation time on the server side for the latest version of the file.

For files:

OperationUpdates "Modified"?Updates "Version Date"?
Update file
Rename filex
Change the property (like Read-only, Hidden, Archive, ACL, and Owner) of the filexx
Delete filex

For folders:

OperationUpdates "Modified"?Updates "Version Date"?
Only change properties (like Read-only, Hidden, Archive, and ACL) of the folder (without file/subfolder operations in the folder)xx
Rename folderx
Delete folderx

Note: Modifying a file in a folder will modify the "Modified" time of the folder as it appears Windows, but it will not change the modified time in MCM.  Changing a folder's properties, such as ACLs, will update the "Modified" time of the folder in MCM, but "Version Date" will not change.

Navigation Bar

Use the Navigation Bar to navigate to parent folders, view deleted files, refresh the file listing, and filter the files shown.


Team Portal Files options are separated into two types: File operations and File management.  The two types of options are separated by “||”.

  • File operations: Create Folder, Upload File, Download, Share Link, Rename, Copy, Move, Delete, Edit Security
  • File management: Manage Versions, Manage Caching, Purge, Location History

All users can use all File operation options except "Edit Security" depending on the user's permission. Only admins can use the "Edit Security" option.

Only admins can use the File Management options.  The Business Administrator can allow/disallow Global Administrator access to the File Management options in the MCM -> Account -> Edit GA Permissions page.  For more information, see Account.

Create Folder

Enter the folder name to create a new folder.

Upload File

For more information on Upload File, see Upload File.


Click the "Download" option to download files less than 96MB directly. 

For files larger than 96MB or multiple files/folders, use "Share Link" to download.

Select the file or files/folders, then click the Download option.  The following dialog box appears with the "Create Share Link" button. 

Clicking the "Create Share Link" button shows the Share Link page.  Fill out the required fields and optional fields if desired, then click the "Start" button.  An email with the download link is sent to the Mail To address.

Note: For Download, up to 10GB of files or folders may be sent at one time. Up to 100 files or folders may be selected at one time.

Share Link

For more information on Share Link, see Share Link.


Select a file or folder and click Rename to rename it.


Select a folder or one or more files and click Copy/Move to copy or move them to a new location.  Folders and files can be copied or moved within the same pool.

File and folder name conflicts are handled as follows:

● If a file or folder is copied to the same folder in which it already exists, "- Copy" is appended to the name of copy.  For example, if "myfile.txt" is copied from "myfolder" to "myfolder" (an in-place copy), the new copy of "myfile.txt" will be named "myfile.txt - Copy".

● If files and folders with the same name are copied or moved to another folder, the following dialog box appears.  Click Replace to combine folders and subfolders with the same name.  Files with the same name will be replaced.



Select a folder or one or more files and click Delete to delete them.  Deleted files can be recovered using Manage Versions and will continue to use cloud storage until they are purged.

Edit Security

For more information on Edit Security, see Edit Security.

Manage Versions

For more information on managing versions, see the following articles:

Manage Versions by File

Manage Versions by Share/Folder

Manage Caching

For more information on Manage Caching, see Manage Caching.


Select a folder or one or more files and click Purge to permanently delete them.  This will free up the cloud storage space used by the files or folder.  Note that purged files cannot be recovered.

Location History

For more information on Location History, see Location History.