Use LDAP mode to use an LDAP server for authentication.  We recommend using JumpCloud for LDAP as a service.

Before Joining

LDAP authentication mode supports JumpCloud and OpenLDAP. Fill out the "LDAP Server Address", "Base DN", "LDAP Bind DN", and "LDAP Bind DN Password" fields, then click the "Switch To This Mode" button.

The fields are:

  • LDAP Server Address - The FQDN of the LDAP server.
  • Base DN - The base DN for your organization.
  • LDAP Bind DN - The DN of the user account used to connect to LDAP.
  • LDAP Bind DN Password - The password for the user account used to connect to LDAP.
  • Group and User Suffix - The suffix of group and user in LDAP server.
  • On-Premises LDAP - You can use the On-Premises LDAP option if your OpenLDAP server is on a private network. Please make sure that the OpenLDAP server is accessible from all CacheDrives.
  • Verify Server Certificate - Check to enable server certificate verification.
  • Use LDAPS (port 636) - To use LDAPS, the LDAP server must be configured to use StartTLS or SSL.
  • Allow Web Access For - The users are allowed to access the Team Portal. The four options are All Domain Users, Users explicitly imported, Users in specified groups, and Disallow all users. By default, all LDAP users can access the Team Portal using a browser or the Morro Connect app.  Access can be restricted by specific groups or by users that are imported into the Morro Data account.

After Joining

For Cloud LDAP Server

For the cloud LDAP server, such as JumpCloud or cloud OpenLDAP server, the Authentication pages looks like below after successfully joined to the LDAP server.

Microsoft 365 Integration (for JumpCloud only) - Use this feature to allow SharePoint Sync to use JumpCloud as the identity manager. For more information on JumpCloud integration, see the following article: JumpCloud Integration (LDAP mode)

Rejoin - Use the Rejoin button in the lower right part of the screen to repeat the LDAP join process.  This can sometimes solve issues with LDAP integration.

Sync User/Group From Server  - Synchronize user and group information in your Morro Account with your LDAP server.

For On-Premises LDAP Server

For the on-premises LDAP server, use the table to check the current status of each device in the account.   

The table shows if all CacheDrives joined the LDAP successfully.

  • "Joined" - This shows that CacheDrive has successfully joined LDAP.
  • Actions (the options appear only when there is a problem).
  • Join - When a CacheDrive cannot join the LDAP server, diagnose and fix the reported errors and click "Join" to try again.
  • Show Errors - Reports errors when a CacheDrive cannot join the LDAP server or a joined CacheDrvie has a problem.

Rejoin - Use the Rejoin button in the lower right part of the screen to repeat the LDAP join process.  This can sometimes solve issues with LDAP integration.

SWITCH TO MORRO USERS MODE: Un-join CacheDrives from the LDAP server and authenticate users in Morro Users mode. User and group information imported from the LDAP server will be deleted.