Use the Edit Security feature to modify a file or folder's NTACL.


  • The Edit Security feature is available to the Business Administrator and the Global Administrator. Starting from the 7.1.10 release, BA can manage GA's access to this feature with the option "Do not allow GA to access all files as admin" in MCM > Account Information.
  • When the inheritance is enabled, the inherited permissions only can be viewed and not edited. If you want to edit or delete the inherited permissions, disable the inheritance first. When the inheritance is enabled,  you can add new permissions, and newly added permissions can be edited or deleted.
  • When the inheritance is enabled for a subfolder or file, the changes of the ACL of its parent folder will replace the permissions of the subfolder or file that inherited from parent object. If the subfolder or file has permissions that not inherited from parent, the permissions will not changed.
  • When inheritance is disabled for a subfolder or a file, changes to the ACL of its parent folder will not affect the subfolder or file.

Edit Security

To modify a file or folder's NTACL, go to the "Files" page on MCM and select the file or folder, then click "Edit Security". The screenshots below show the "Edit Security" dialog for a folder.  For a file, the dialog will be almost the same but the "Applies To" column and dropdowns will be omitted.

Change Owner or Group

To change the owner or group of a file or folder, select the new value from the appropriate dropdown, then click Save or Apply.

Refresh icon

After modifying the ACL, owner, or inheritance status on the Samba side when the "Edit Security" page is being opened, you can click the refresh icon to refresh the page.

Disable Inheritance

To edit or delete the inherited permissions when the inheritance is enabled, click "Disable Inheritance" to disable the inheritance first. 

You need to select one of the two options below when disabling inheritance.

  • Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object: all inherited permissions will be kept in ACL and converted to explicit ACEs.
  • Remove all inherited permissions from this object: all inherited permissions will be removed from the ACL.

Click "OK" and then click "Apply" or "Save" to save the change.

Enable Inheritance

Click "Enable Inheritance" will inherit permissions from the parent object.

Add Permission Entries

To add a permission entry:

  1. Click the "Add" button on the "Edit Security" popup.
  2. Select one or more users and groups by clicking the + button for each item in the left-side list. The item will appear in the right-side list.  To remove an item from the right-side list, click the X next to the item.
  3. Click the "Type" option, to select allow or deny type as needed.
  4. Click the "Access" option, you can set multiple permissions at the same time as needed on the basic or advanced permissions page.
  5. For folders, click the "Applies to" option, to select which items this permission settings applies to using the "Applies to" dropdown. This dropdown will not appear when editing the permissions for a file.
  6. Click "Add".
  7. Click "Apply" or "Save".

Access Option

  • Click "Show advanced permissions" to jump to the advanced permissions page. 
  • Click "Show basic permissions" to jump to the basic permissions page.
  • Click "Clear All" to empty all selected permissions.

Edit Permission Entries

To edit a permission entry:

  1. Select a permission entry in the "Edit Security" popup.
  2. Click "Edit".
  3. Click the "Type" option, to select allow or deny type as needed.
  4. Click the "Access" option, you can set multiple permissions at the same time as needed on the basic or advanced permissions page.
  5. For folders, click the "Applies to" option, to select which items this permission settings applies to using the "Applies to" dropdown. This dropdown will not appear when editing the permissions for a file.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click "Apply" or "Save".

Delete Permission Entries

To delete a permission entry:

  1. Select a permission entry in the "Edit Security" popup. 
  2. Click "Delete".
  3. Click "Apply" or "Save".

Undoing Changes

To undo a change, click "Revert" to restore permissions settings from the previous save.

Replace all child object permission entries

Select the option "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object" then click "Apply" or "Save". All child object permission entries will be replaced even if the child object disabled inheritance.

Sync permission to all devices

Select the option "Sync permission to all devices" then click "Apply" or "Save to sync permission to all devices.