Use Share Link to send a link containing files and folders over email.  The link can be accessed by anyone whether or not they have a Morro login.

The available options are:

  • Mail To - The recipients of the link email.
  • Mail CC - CCed recipients of the link email.
  • Subject - The subject line.
  • Message - The message body.
  • Expires In Days - The number of days for the link to remain valid.

Click Start to send the link email:

  • If select only one file to perform "Share Link", it will send the file's download link to the receiver directly.
  • If select multiple files/folders to perform "Share Link", the selected contents will be compressed to a zip file, and the link of the zip file will be sent to the customer. 

Note: For share link, Up to 10GB of files or folders may be sent at one time. Up to 100 files or folders may be selected at one time.