The Files & Locks page gives you a detailed look at the files and folders in your Morro Account. It provides file lock management in an RTC (Real Time Collaboration)-enabled share as well as looking up the Rename/Move history of a file.

Time zones

Use different time zones to display times according to your needs.

  • Use UTC Time Zone
  • Use Local (Browser) Time Zone
  • Use Time Zone Set in Preference

The center of the usage chart shows the sum of the file sizes (current version only) in the folder. Enable the "Include version size" option to include previous versions of files in the calculation. For the Root page, the outer edge of the usage chart shows the percentage of the shares. For share/folder,  the outer edge of the usage chart shows the sum consumed by the largest subfolders/files in the share/folder.

You can navigate to other folders by clicking on the path at the top of the screen, the ring chart, or the file and folder listing at the bottom. 

The available columns are:

TypeItem type (file or folder)
VersionLatest version
NameFile or folder name
Sync TimeTimestamp for the latest version's sync to the cloud
ModifiedTimestamp for latest modification
OwnerUser owner of the file
GroupGroup owner of the file
SizeSize of the file
Size (Versions)Total size including previous versions
Share TypeThe type of share (when viewing the root folder)
Manage *Manage the lock of the file, and view the Rename/Move history of the file

* Manage option can only be used when Audit Plus is enabled. Please contact Morro support to enable Audit Plus. 


The "Manage" option only works for RTC-enabled shares.  After checking the "Manage" option, two icons may appear in the "Manage" column.

The first icon is for "History with Move/Rename" and the second icon is for "Lock Manager".

History with Move/Rename

History with Move/Rename for file/folder

View the history of a file/folder with move/rename operations.

History with Move/Rename of the Parent Folder

You can also view the history of a file/folder with move/rename from its parent folder by entering its name in the History with Move/Rename of its parent folder.

Lock Manager

Lock Manager for Account

You can view how many files are locked in your account, list all locked files in a CacheDrive, and delete all locks of files in a CacheDrive.

Lock Manager for Share

You can manage locks within a share.

Lock Manager for File

You can manage locks on the selected file.

Lock Manager for the Parent Folder

Some files may not show in the cloud, such as the temporary locking status file '~$mydoc.docx' used by Microsoft Office. These files are used by Microsoft Office apps to keep the main file locked. It may be necessary to find out the existence of such files and delete them on the CacheDrive so the main file is unlocked. To manage such file, enter its full path in the Lock Manager of its parent folder.