To create a Share, click Create Share.
The types of shares that can be created is determined by the type of Cloud Storage Group that contains the pool in which the share is to be created.
Cloud Storage Group Type | Available Share Types |
Morro Data Object Storage | Sync, Replicate, DFS |
Your Object Storage for Sync | Sync, Replicate, DFS |
Your Object Storage for Archive | Archive, DFS |
Share Types
Sync Share | Multiple-master sync allows for real-time sync between all of your devices and sites. |
Replicate Share | One-way sync allows for single source sync to multiple destinations. |
DFS Root | Consolidate network shared folders as a single entry point. |
Archive | Simple file-based uploads to a remote cloud storage bucket. |
Creating Sync and Replicate Shares
Common Fields for All Share Types
Enter the following information into the Create Share panel.
- Name - The name of the share.
- Name is 1 to 45 characters long. Share name is case insensitive.
- Cannot end with "$". To use hidden share, use Share Management, Advance option, SMB, "hide share from browsing" option after creating a share
- Cannot contain two or more consecutive spaces. (Single space is accepted.)
- There are reserved names "homes", "global", and "printers".
- Comment - An optional comment for the share.
- Storage Pool - The pool which will contain the new share.
- Share Type - The type of share to create.
- Allow Guest Access - Allow guest access to the share.
Sync Shares
- Gateway Permissions - Give Read/Write permissions to All Gateways or No Gateways.
- Upload Window and Bandwidth - Apply upload window and bandwidth settings to this share.
- Prefetch Window and Bandwidth - Apply prefetch window and bandwidth settings to this share.
Replicate Shares
- Source Gateway - Set the gateway that will sync to the cloud (new files created here will be uploaded to the cloud).
- Additional Destinations - The share will be made available to these gateways. New files in the share will be made available here, but files added directly to the share from these destinations will not be synced to the cloud.
- Prefetch Window and Bandwidth - Apply prefetch window and bandwidth settings to destinations of this share.
Archive Shares
- Folder in Cloud Storage - The folder to use in the cloud storage bucket.
Please note the following when entering the folder name:- If you enter the root folder ("/"), the device will sync all of the files in the cloud storage bucket.
- If you enter an existing folder, the device will sync the files and folders in that folder.
- If you enter a non-existent folder, the device will create a new folder in the cloud storage bucket.
- Source Gateway - The gateway to use for syncing to the cloud.
- Server Side Encryption - The type of encryption to use for files stored in the cloud.
- Encryption Key or Encryption Key ID/Alias - The encryption key provided by the cloud storage bucket provider.
- File Name / Pathname / File Size Limitations per cloud storage providers: (ref-t6971)
- If using Wasabi Hot Storage as Archive Share target, the file name cannot contain 4-byte characters (such as Emoji) due to Wasabi limitation
- Pathname length limit (AWS S3 and Azure Blob are 1024 bytes, IIJ DAG is 950 bytes)
- File size is limited to 5TB per file by AWS S3, Wasabi, IIJ DAG, 8TB by Azure Blob
Server Side Encryption Types
None | Default option. Files are stored without encryption. |
AES256 | (SSE-S3) Each object is encrypted with a unique key employing strong multi-factor encryption. |
AES-KMS | (SSE-KMS) Uses a separate envelope key to protect your encryption key that provides added protection against unauthorized access to your objects in S3. |
SSE-C | User-provided encryption key. |
If AES-KMS or SSE-C is selected, enter an Encryption key from the cloud storage provider. If connecting to an existing folder, use the same encryption applied to the folder.
If using AES-KMS, specify the following permissions in the S3 account.
"Sid": "kmsSid",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"{kms key ARN}"
For more information on using encryption methods in S3, please refer to the article: Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption.